how far along? 24 weeks and 2 days.
total weight gain: 11 lbs so far.
maternity clothes? yes!! and they are amazing. i can still try and squeeze into my old clothes. and to be honest, i felt like if i caved and got maternity pants that i somehow was "giving in" or something. i know that sounds dumb.. but anyway, the second i slipped on those maternity jeans? i felt so much better. they are made to flatter the pregnant body and emphasize the belly. they are the same size every where else except the belly area. so i could still get the size that i normally am and still feel good! buying a size up in regular pants just didn't work out because then they were baggy every else except the waist. so that wasn't really flattering on me. anyway, my mom took me to get some and she will testify that my mood lifted right away. i was kind of having a downer day that day.. not realizing how uncomfortable i was. so my advice to anyone who is on the fence about maternity pants? completely and totally worth it.. well at least for me. i realize that everyone is different. at least go try them on though. you might not have realized how uncomfortable you have been. my mom took me to motherhood and i got 2 pairs of skinny jeans and pair of burgundy skinny cords. i also got a denim skirt, a shirt, a sweater, and a cardigan. then next week i went back and bought another pair of light brown cords so i have some more work options. basically i am a lot happier and people have actually noticed that i am looking pregnant and not just chubby.
stretch marks? none yet that i can see..
sleep: my hips and back now hurt at night. i am a stomach sleeper, so it's been quite an adjustment trying to sleep in other positions. sometimes i wake up and i am on my stomach but it doesn't stay comfortable for long. sean thinks it is going to squish the baby. haha. i always have slept with a pillow between my knees since i was little, but lately my hips have still been in pain. i read online that if your ankles are not parallel while sleeping, it puts more pressure on your hips. so now i sleep with a pillow between my knees and my ankles. it has helped a lot. it's probably time to invest in a pregnancy body pillow. oh well, this seems to be working for now!
best moment this week: we got the diaper bag! thanks maddie! and the crib has been ordered! that was exciting! can't wait to see it. thanks mom and dad for providing us with a crib! we are so lucky.
miss anything? i miss my old, smaller boobs. hey, just being honest.
movement: yes! i started to feel him around 21 weeks! i feel him all the time now. sean has felt him a few times and so has my sister and lee! i can even see my stomach move. it's crazy. he likes to move the most at night and in the mornings. especially if i am laying on my back for a minute.
food cravings: i put donuts last time and i still feel that way. yet i haven't had a donut since posting that. something needs to change. sean made his nana's homemade cinnamon rolls for dinner tonight and those really hit the spot. also, i have been really craving hot chocolate.. but i have been really picky about it. mimi's definitely has the best... but it's not always easy to get. mom, i might need to borrower your cocomotion!
anything making you queasy or sick: the smell of meat still bothers me. also, sean lit an apple spice candle today... and i was not a fan.
gender: boy
labor signs: nope
symptoms: the heartburn has gotten worse. but my friend juli, who is 2 weeks behind me in her pregnancy, gave me some almonds and they really do work! my mom just gave me a huge bag so i am set. all i have to say is this baby better have a lot of hair with the amount of heartburn i have had. and my tailbone and hips hurt, but i already mentioned that. i have also had earaches but my doctor checked my ears and they were fine. she said it could just be from all the congestion that comes with being pregnant. oh also? my eyelashes have been breaking in half and some have been falling out. i just noticed it this week. i am not sure what the deal is? i looked it up and apparently it is common during pregnancy because of the change in your follicles and hormones and whatnot. seems weird to me because everyone always raves about how pre-natals help with hair growth but i guess eyelashes are different. i am not a fan of it though and i really hope they grow back! most people said that they did after they had the baby, so i guess we will see. pregnancy does weird things to your body, man.
belly button in or out? in.
wedding rings on or off? on.
happy or moody most of the time: i had a really grumpy day or two last week. like the most ridiculous things made me want to cry. i was aware i was being crazy but couldn't do anything to stop it. so far though i have only cried like maybe twice this whole pregnancy.
looking forward to: meeting this baby in 16 more weeks! and finally getting the nursery started!
overall things are good! i have been feeling queasy less often, so that is good! at my 24 week appointment, my doctor said that the ultrasound results all came back normal so that was a relief. they started measuring the length of my abdomen which they hadn't done before. it was 23cm, right on track for 24 weeks. they sent me home with the awesome orange glucose drink that i have to drink before right before my 28 week appointment to check for gestational diabetes. i can't believe i am already at that point in this pregnancy. it has gone by really fast. we are down to like 3 and a half months left. i can't believe i am almost 6 months pregnant already. it's crazy to me! anyway, until next time.. probably at 28 weeks... i like posting after my doctors appointments because that is usually when i have more info about how things are going. once i hit 30 weeks though i will be going every 2 weeks so i might be posting more often. we will see! also, i wish i had better pictures to post. i have been trying to take them every friday since that the start of a new week in my pregnancy. sean is usually gone for work by the time i realize that i need to take a picture so i end up resorting to the cellphone picture in the bathroom with a dirty mirror. oh well. i wanted to be better about tracking this all but i am not going to be so hard on myself about it! crappy cell phone pics will have to do for now! hopefully in the next couple of months i can get a maternity shoot in with my sis!
overall things are good! i have been feeling queasy less often, so that is good! at my 24 week appointment, my doctor said that the ultrasound results all came back normal so that was a relief. they started measuring the length of my abdomen which they hadn't done before. it was 23cm, right on track for 24 weeks. they sent me home with the awesome orange glucose drink that i have to drink before right before my 28 week appointment to check for gestational diabetes. i can't believe i am already at that point in this pregnancy. it has gone by really fast. we are down to like 3 and a half months left. i can't believe i am almost 6 months pregnant already. it's crazy to me! anyway, until next time.. probably at 28 weeks... i like posting after my doctors appointments because that is usually when i have more info about how things are going. once i hit 30 weeks though i will be going every 2 weeks so i might be posting more often. we will see! also, i wish i had better pictures to post. i have been trying to take them every friday since that the start of a new week in my pregnancy. sean is usually gone for work by the time i realize that i need to take a picture so i end up resorting to the cellphone picture in the bathroom with a dirty mirror. oh well. i wanted to be better about tracking this all but i am not going to be so hard on myself about it! crappy cell phone pics will have to do for now! hopefully in the next couple of months i can get a maternity shoot in with my sis!
You are so adorable! I'm excited for nursery plans and to meet this baby blue.
First of all, love your blue sweater - have it in coral!
Girl, you look fantastic. I love all your fun stats! Keep 'em coming!
You can come and get the coco motion anytime:) love you!
Cute little bump! :) (PS: So, I'm going to try to convince my friend to reroute our road trip this weekend to go through Utah... :))
You look so cute! And I agree on maternity pants. I remember thinking I could do without them with Dane and I bought a belly band instead. But it was still uncomfortable. I thought I was in heaven when I finally bought some. Then this time by like 10 weeks I was wondering if it would be okay to bust them out just because I knew how comfy they'd be. Haha
1. you are so gorgeous. the cutest pregnant girl ever! you are getting my hopes up! (i'm totally going to be a marshmallow!)
2. i cannot BELIEVE it's already been 6 months!!! WHAT?!?!?! i guess it seems like it went by so fast because for the first several weeks, not much happened! (well, probably just from my perspective, you know, since i wasn't growing a human or anything...) i think when it really hit that you were pregnant and that i was getting another nephew is when we watched the ultrasound video! love it!
3. please let me know whatever you need help with! even if it's assembling that crib or helping with the nursery or even running to mimi's to grab you some hot chocolate! i would love to be able to help!
i am ECSTATIC for you guys. picturing you as parents gets me so giddy. sean is going to be so much fun to watch, and you are totally going to have that mom glow for the rest of your life. love you guys!!!
Sitting in church yesterday and the lady in front of me had a new baby boy that they blessed. I cried....... like a big baby! I miss you so much and can't believe how adorable you are pregnant! I however was an elephant.... but not the cute elephants you love LOL. Both you and Sean are going to be amazing parents. I am so excited and better believe I will be there as often as possible to hang out or help in any way I can.
How fun!! You look gorgeous. Pregnancy is tough- but you are doing a great job! Oh and ps- I STILL miss my better, smaller boobs.
A crib and a diaper bag, you're on your way! I've never heard of almonds for heartburn. What a great natural remedy. That's exciting that you and Juli are so close in your due dates. You totally look adorable preggers!
You look so beautiful girl. :)
So exciting! It is going by very fast! I do not like the eyelash thing. At least yours are super thick/long to begin with!
you are absolutely the cutest pregnant lady ever! so excited for you!!
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