- i have finally gotten motivated to start working on the nursery. i am ordering the crib tomorrow and plan to get that faux sheepskin rug. i have purchased those deer antlers from hobby lobby like the one in that picture, i just need to paint them. trying to decide if i want to do that bronze color like she did, or paint them a different color. the nursery is going to be very neutral colors. browns, blacks, whites, creams, with a few pops of gray and mustard yellow. well, at least that is what i am saying for now. i have a beautiful afghan that my grandma made me a few years ago that will go perfect with all those colors. i wasn't planning to really have a theme for the nursery, but the more i get into this, the more i realize it's becoming an animal theme. but kind of in a more adult way if that makes sense. i have tons of elephant figurines and african stuff. throw in the antlers and the sheepskin rug? yeah. it's animal themed in a subtle way. i guess..
- i ordred the diaper bag! it's a men's diaper bag actually. and it's a little pricier than i probably every would have spent, but my sister maddie really wanted the diaper bag to be a gift from her so she gave me a budget and told me to order one. she is the best! i love the bag. it's from the petunia pickle bottom men's collection. i read great reviews about it and love it because sean can carry it around if needed and not feel as silly.
- weeks 21-23. i almost feel like i look smaller in week 23... hmm. oh well! i went to the dr. again this week and plan to do a separate post on that tomorrow for the official 24 week post. seems like i am just gonna post every time i go to the doctor. works for me! i can handle that. i would love to update every week.. but i just don't have the time or energy. so expect more on this tomorrow... or sometime this weekend.
- we went to sundance a couple of weekends ago with my family. it is so beautiful up there! we ate at the owl bar. i think i had the best burger i've had in a long time there. then we rode the ski lift and enjoyed the changing leaves!
- moses has been as adorable as ever lately. he is truly one of my best friends. i know i always say it.. but i mean it. he is family. he is good people. i love him so much. he thinks he is human. he also thinks he is little. he loves the car so much and freaks out anytime he hears us say car. i love it. him and sean are my best buds. can't wait for baby boy to join in on the fun!
- we have received some awesome stuff for the baby lately. everyone is so generous! i finally found out who sent me the diapers and wipes! let's just say she knows who she is and i love her to death! you are amazing girl! thank you so much!!!
- heartburn. ughh. i hate it. but my friend juli (who is 2 weeks behind me in her pregnancy) gave me some almonds and seriously? they do work! and they are good for you! thanks juli!!
- my mom took me shopping for some maternity clothes and she had to get us that little elephant. it is so soft. i love it! more on the maternity clothes in the next pregnancy update...
i will update more about the pregnancy later, like i said. things have been going pretty good for us though! sean's sister amanda (also one of my best friends) and her sweet family just moved away to vernal! we are super sad and miss them so much but know that it's the best thing for them. devin and katie moved away too so it's been an interesting adjustment having everyone so far but i know we will all still see each other as often as we can! work is busy, the weather is cooling off. we are enjoying that! i watched all three seasons of vampire diaries in a 2 week period and i am soooo excited for the season premiere tonight. sean thinks i am crazy. i am obsessed. i never thought i would like a show like that. haha. lets see.. what else? oh, we are really working hard to pay off sean's student loans. it's been interesting trying to do that and add in the cost of getting ready for the baby.. but we feel it will be worth it! we are so close to being done! 2/3 of it has been paid off since he graduated! just a little bit more to go! we are trying to do this so that if i can't go back to work after the baby, or if i only go back part time it will make things easier since his loans are no longer on hold starting this month. we have no clue who can or will be able to watch the baby, so we are just trying to plan for that in case we can't find anyone. it will all work out how it's supposed to though! well, that's it for now! off to a wedding reception! it's been a busy week... the whole rest of this month is crazy!
wow, i went to the website where you got the diaper bag...they have A TON of cute stuff and not just for baby. i think it's really generous of you to get a nice bag daddy can carry too. i hate seeing poor guys carrying around a ginormous pink floral bag!
anyways, glad you are doing well and enjoying the process. can't wait to see the nursery finished! the more "adult" nurserys are in right now. the modern way of making the nursery correspond with the rest of the house, it's such a rad idea. amazing how styles come and go. vintage shabby chic is so out and mismatched patterns and bright colors are in!
love this! so excited for you guys. i know i say that every time but seriously. the nursery is going to be ADORABLE and i love all of baby blue's little things! i love him so much already!!! and that moe. now that we have a dog, i totally and completely agree with everything you say about moe. it's all so true. cooper really is one of my best friends, even though he's not even human. i love my dog!!! dogs are the best!!! i'm so glad he and moe are friends! also, i think we should find a weekend to road trip up to see amanda and the new place and have a girl's night out: vernal style. it's been too long since we did something like that. speaking of which... lets go get pedicures some time. i keep saying that. mostly because i want/need one. but also because we need to do something.
I'm so excited!! Moe and baby together, the pictures will be insanely cute!
That diaper bag is awesome!! You are gorgeous and yay for setting up the nursery soon!
this made me miss you sooooo much! I can't wait to hang out next week even if it is for just a minute. I am a believer that things work out when they should and how they should so I know you guys will be ok. I wish I was close so I could help more with baby blue but also know I am vernal for a reason. Now I would feel much better about things if they would get my dang internet installed LOL love you!
I'll look after your baby! :) Haha! I'm not creepy I promise :)
so excited for you! your nursery is going to be the cutest!
I adore that you're including your love of elephants into the nursery. I also adore that you're doing neutral tones. I hate when people just paint everything blue or pink. This might seem werid, as I'm no where near having a kid, but I totally love petunia picklebottom's bags. I stalked a girl off of a plane one time to find out the brand of her diaper bag. I'm just preparing for the far distant future ;)
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