Sunday, September 18, 2011

sneak peak

here are a just a few sneak peek pictures from the photo shoot we had with my sister maddie a couple of weeks ago! unfortunately i forgot to bring some benadryl for sean. he has really bad allergies and this field really got to him. it ended up being a really quick photo shoot and he was such a trooper. even moses was a trooper. we couldn't get him to hold still but we got shots of him playing off in the distance and a few with him running towards us with a tree in his mouth. no really, it was a tree. it was over 6 feet long probably. he is so funny. anyway, here are just a few of them! thanks maddie! :) i can't wait to see the rest! also she just posted an adorable engagement shoot so you should go check it out here!
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


Megan said...

These are beautiful! The colors are so pretty! I think the top 2 are my favorite. Precious!

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

love these!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my word these are beautiful! I love the second one the most! :)

Anonymous said...


Caitlin said...

great pictures! I love the lighting.

emily+brett said...

i love the one of you looking back over sean's shoulder. i really love them all. great work maddie.

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Chloe these are GORGEOUS! And I love your new header!

Danica Pardini said...

i want your long hair!!! ') gorgeous pictures...blessed to have a sister as a photographer!

Kayla said...

LOVE! beautiful pictures. beautiful couple and maddie is so talented!

Elise said...

such a gorgeous couple!

♥ Marcy ♥ said...

LOVE. Nuff said! Your gorgey girl!

Anonymous said...

Very nice matching of the two cuddled. Beautiful.
I feel happy now.

Bret and Ashlee said...

LOVE the pictures! Where did you have them taken?

ConnieB said...

you guys are too cute! Models! If only every client could be like this (:

sasha said...

like i said on fb, my fave is the first one. your sister is really amazing at what she does!

this makes me want to get "family pictures" done with lehi. now, i just need to somehow convince him...

Jo said...

Hello Chloé! I love your blogh and the pictures are amazing!!! :)

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

Beautiful Chloe! (and sean :) Maddie is such a great photographer. I always love the naturalness and coloring of her pictures. Love them!!

Unknown said...

Your new banner is awesome. Maddie always does such a good job. I love your shoes in this photo shoot. It makes me miss my boat shoes.

Holly said...

Gorgeous photos :)

Liz said...

these are gorgeous! Your sister is super talented - and you guys make a beautiful couple!

Anonymous said...

you two are gorgeous! love these.