how far along? 31 weeks
total weight gain: 18-19 lbs. yikes.
maternity clothes? yes. mixed in with regular clothes.
stretch marks? still just under my chest. nothing new from the last update.
sleep: not sleeping as well anymore. i have to get up to pee almost every hour and my hips and back ache so bad. the body pillow only helps so much..
best moment this week: it was kind of a rough week. i'll explain more on that later in another post.
miss anything? this week i decided that instead of saying i miss not having huge boobs, i'll say that i miss not having to pee every 10 minutes.
movement: sooo much this past week. pretty sure he is still breech though. hoping he moves right into the right position soon..
food cravings: i didn't have much of an appetite this week. but right now i want a hot pretzel from the mall.
anything making you queasy or sick: no not really.
labor signs: yes. i have been having contractions unfortunately. real ones, not braxton hicks.
symptoms: finally decided to try generic prilosec and my life has forever changed. i haven't had heartburn in 2 weeks. it has been amazing. thanks for the suggestion mindy!! zantac just wasn't cutting it for me anymore. i have only had heartburn once since taking prilosec and it was because i ate a banana really late at night. banana's always give me heartburn.
belly button in or out? still in. it's not as in as it used to be. not sure if i have the type of belly button that will totally pop out..
wedding rings on or off? off still. i can tell my hands have been swelling up a little but it usually goes away and my ring still fits.
happy or moody most of the time: to be honest it's been a rough 2 weeks. i haven't been very happy. i think it's getting better though. i have had some anxiety and depression and then with everything else going on this week.. poor sean and baby.
looking forward to: meeting this baby in 2 months from today! less than 9 weeks! holy crap. i can't wait to kiss this little boy's face!
I can't wait either. I love him so much already:)
You are such a cute pregnant person!! I hope I look this good when the time comes.
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