november just flew by! i can't believe that it's already december. november has always held a special place in my heart because it's the month that sean and i got engaged. we got engaged right before thanksgiving 4 years ago. those pictures of us are from that night. we look so young! it's crazy how much can change in 4 years..
this year we hosted thanksgiving at our house for the first time! it was a lot of work but totally worth it. my parents came and so did sean's parents, brandon, and maddie. sam and sarah showed up for a little bit too! sean and i prepared the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and pies. everyone else brought the rest! we wish we could have had the rest of the family here, but hopefully next year! it is crazy to think that next year we will have a little baby crawling around.
we had a few mishaps with the pies. okay i had a few mishaps.. haha. let's just say i only planned on making 2 pies. which is what we ended up with.. but i made about 4 pies in the process. it all ended up working out in the end though and i think that they turned out okay! i may have had a huge dramatic pregnancy meltdown in the process. which ended with sean and i laughing so hard at how ridiculous it all was. it was pretty funny. i am so glad that i have him to take care of me. i had overdone it that night and the next day i was so sore. he started a bath for me and pulled me out of bed and ordered me to get in and relax. i am a lucky lady!
moses has been super snuggly lately. i don't know if it's because we went out of town and left him for a bit but lately he has been so attached to me. he always wants to be right next to me on the bed. my growing belly has made it difficult having him sleep on the bed. we have had to start kicking him off at night. it breaks my heart but there just isn't enough room right now for my big belly, my body pillow, my 16 other pillows that i need for support and sean. moe still manages to fit on the bed somehow, but he likes to lay the the horizontal right in between us and it kicks us both off the bed. he hasn't really loved getting kicked off lately, but oh well. he ends up on his dog bed or under the bed. he loves being under the bed. hence all the hair under there that you can see in the first picture. don't worry, sean has vacuumed that all up since this was taken. i have been looking at getting a king size bed. i just haven't quite talked sean into it yet... i really love my bed frame and headboard and that is really the only thing holding me back from getting a king. i don't think they make this bed anymore. :(
anyway, november has been busy for us both. it was a good month, but i am glad that it is over because now we get to move on to christmas time! i am a little bit obsessed with this time of year...
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