how far along? 20 weeks tomorrow!
total weight gain: up 7lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight.
maternity clothes? i did cave and buy some bigger bras this week. it was long over due. i got the genie bra to be exact. haha. i actually love them! i also bought a bella band because i have a few pairs of pants that don't stretch as much as i'd like. it's like my stomach grew overnight. seriously. i was telling sean last week "all my pants fit totally fine, it's just my boobs that frustrate me! they make it find to hard shirts that look good!" then bam. pants are tight. it only seems to be bad in the front though and when i am sitting down.
stretch marks? none that i can see yet. but i already have stretch marks from puberty so i am pretty sure i will get lots this pregnancy. i would love it if i miraculously didn't, but i am not counting on it.
sleep: not terrible this week. i have been more tired than every, so i am sure that is why.
best moment this week: getting to see our little boy again! he is so cute.
miss anything? still missing sushi. also i miss chugging caffeine like it's going out of style. i still drink it but have been trying to have a lot more water and non-caffeinated diet cokes lately.
movement: i am pretty sure that i felt a kick or 2 this past week. still unsure though.
food cravings: donuts, cookies, gummy worms, chocolate.. but that is nothing new.
anything making you queasy or sick: meat, usually.
gender: boy
labor signs: nope
symptoms: heartburn, exhaustion, breakouts, swollen boobs. sorry i keep talking about them but they hurt so bad!
belly button in or out? in.
wedding rings on or off? on.
happy or moody most of the time: depends.. haha.
looking forward to: meeting this baby in 20 more weeks! we are halfway there!

i can't figure out how to get our scanner to work so here are some pictures of blue from my phone. we had our big 20 week ultrasound this week. the ultrasound tech couldn't give us a whole lot of info, since she is just supposed to take the pictures and send them to the radiologist for review, but she seemed to think that everything looked normal! no cleft lip, no spinabifida. his heart was in the right place. he weighs 11 ounces right now. he is breech but i guess that is not too uncommon at this point in pregnancy. most likely he will move before he comes. he seems to like that position though.
i was excited to see how far along i was measuring and ironically i was measuring exactly 19 weeks and 4 days which keeps me at february 1st for the due date. i thought there was no way it was accurate because my cycles before getting pregnant were so long and random after going off birth control that i though i for sure might be at least a week or 2 off. i was so happy to see that we are right on track and the due date is still february 1st! that last picture is kinda creepy, but the tech said he has a tooth growing in! obviously he won't be born with a tooth sticking out but it will be up in his gums. crazy!
we met with the doctor after the appointment and she said everything looked good for now and if there were any problems with the ultrasound, we would get a call within the next few days. i am up 7 lbs in weight... (it's probably mostly in my chest.. haha) she said that she would like for me to have gained a little bit more weight at this point since i am already halfway done. she says i have some catching up to do. it's an interesting thing all the sudden to be encouraged to gain weight. i have been eating like i normally do, if not more, but a lot of times i just am not hungry. nothing sounds good or i feel sick to my stomach. i guess i just need to get over that and eat even if i am not always hungry. baby is hungry and i need to make sure he gets the food he needs. sean is always like "yes! you gained a few pounds! good job!" ha. it's nice to have encouragement like that even though it's kind of depressing at the same time. i do not struggle with my weight or anything like that, but i have been the same weight since i was 15 years old. give or take a few pounds throughout that all but it's always been within a 5lb radius. i still have clothes from that time in my life. sad i know. anyway, it's just hard to watch your body change so much so quickly. i know it is worth it though and sean is always reminding me that it is such a beautiful amazing thing. he is right. i hope that saying all this doesn't make me sound shallow or anything.. change is just hard in any form. i know it will be so worth it though! i will do anything for little blue! i just didn't realize how quickly everything would change. my clothes fit last week and this week it's a huge change. he is growing like a weed! it really is a neat thing to watch your body change. i am learning to embrace it! i am grateful that sean is so supportive and sees this change as a beautiful thing.
now we need to get working on the nursery! my parents have offered to buy us a crib so i have been on the hunt! i am loving the babyletto line at target! i also love this jenny lind crib. now we just have to pick one! these are only available online so it's making it harder for me to decide. so cute though.
all i have blogged about lately is the baby so here are a few other updates!
-sean is going on a business trip to texas in november and they were told they could bring spouses if they would like. so i am planning to go with him! we figured it might be our last chance to go on a vacation before the baby comes. i am so excited! my doctor said it was okay for me to fly on a plane at that point so we went ahead and booked me a plane ticket! one of sean's work buddies is bringing his pregnant wife too so it should be fun! i am really looking forward to it!
-at work we had such a huge record breaking month that they decided to reward all the employees with their choice of an iphone5, new ipad, bose headphones, 42 inch tv, or blendtec blender. since my iphone is not that old, i decided to go with the ipad. it has been awesome! i love it. i love my job. it made all those long days (and nights) worth it!
-sean has been having some back/leg problems for a while and finally decided to go see a chiropractor. turns out he has scoliosis and a pinched nerve from an injury that happened on his mission. he has been going to physical therapy 3 days a week and has already seen quite an improvement.
-he is still playing softball and now i get to watch instead of play on thursday nights. it has been fun!
-the voice has started back up! wahoo! we are already loving this season much more than season 2!
-our callings are keeping us busy but we are grateful for them. i can't wait for fall and winter though. i feel like things slow down a little and we get to spend more time together or at home. i am looking forward to that.
-moses is as cute and mopey as ever!
chloe! you look so so cute. i love these updates you do. for some reason they seem so much more exciting than mine.
i hear you on the giant boobs and the heartburn. i am refusing to buy a new bra, but i probably should. and heartburn is killing me! i bought some prilosec tonight and am hoping it starts kicking in!
i still can't believe your work bought you ipads. so cool!
the trip to texas sounds so fun! i'm jealous. i want to go somewhere cool. i told michael that when his job is done we need to go somewhere. i need a vacation.
we need to get together! i've been craving yogurtland?
i'm about to watch 39 episodes of the hills, so i better peace out. lc and heidi are calling my name.
ps, i realize i am completely ridiculous.
aw!! What a beautiful mommy!!! You look GREAT!! I am still so happy for you guys! I know pregnancy can be rough... hang in there!!
Hi pretty lady! Loving the updates on your pregnancy! I can't wait to have my own baby one day! Beautiful mamas like you make me impatient! :) :) :)
I love this! So cute and so fun. I love both those cribs and seriously you can't really go wrong. They all kinda do the same thing ;) but know the offer still stands to help sew or do whatever you need to finish decorating the nursery. Love you three! Yes that includes Sean so maybe I should say 4 because we can't leave moses out.
Oh man... I gained 7lbs by 14weeks! :-( Feeling way bigger than I did with Elle at this point. Not great for the self-esteem, but totally worth it... right?! Ack. You really do look like you popped this past week!!! I'm loving it! You look phenomenal! And ditto on the boobs, lady! I look indecent in my old shirts. :-/
I'm glad to hear that Sean is seeing improvements!! Love you to you and your growing family!!! I wish we lived closer... It's nice to have pregnant friends. :-)
SO jealous you got an iPad but well deserved for you definitely! I love your pictures and I am so excited for you :)
I like the babyletto hudson type. They're very 60s infused. That's so awesome that you company is doing so well! Dang, I need to find a company that generous to work for. That's exciting that you got to have another ultrasound. I'm glad everything is ok!
You are ADORABLE!!!
p.s. heartburn = lots of hair ;)
It's so fun to read a blog from someone else that's prego too! I love hearing what other people are experiencing. I agree though, it's way hard watching your body change so quickly! I don't think its bad to feel that way at all! Ryan is great to make me feel good about it and I know it would never change the way he feels. But its more how I feel about me, than what other people think. Kind of hard to explain, but everyone keeps telling me that the sacrifice will be worth it in the end! Lets hope! ;)
So fun! I love reading all of your updates, you are still so tiny for being 20 weeks. Glad baby boy is healthy....we're so excited for you guys!!!
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