we are so excited! i had a feeling it was going to be a boy. sean on the other hand was completely shocked. the first thing he said though was "awww! he's gonna be my little fishin' buddy!" the day we found out that blue was a boy happened to fall on the 10 year anniversary of a long boarding accident that sean was in that almost took his life. he suffered severe head trauma and was in a coma up at primary children's for over a week. he sent me this text after we both got back to work...

talk about making me cry at work! anyway we are so excited to welcome a little boy into our family. i will be a little out numbered but i just can't wait to see my 3 boys together. they will be so cute!! we got a dvd from the appointment and i think we have watched it like at least 20 times. the ultrasound technician said that it was definitely a boy. we go back in 3 weeks for the big measuring ultrasound. at that appointment they will measure everything, see how far along i really am, make sure baby blue is growing strong and healthy. i can't wait! oh and baby boy definitely has my feet. long feet and crooked toes. the tech said that she very rarely gets a shot of both feet together so she was pretty excited to get that shot. i love it!
i have been meaning to update more frequently but for some reason i have gotten more sick since entering the 2nd trimester. unusual i know. i can't quite figure out what the deal is, but i have been feeling terrible at night. i throw up almost every night. i think it could be from extreme exhaustion. at my job we are so incredibly busy. it is so stressful. i love it but it's been hard for me to deal with while being pregnant. working 9-10 hour days with no break has been rough. i wish i could just take a nap at work! oh well, i shouldn't complain. my company is so good to us and being busy at work = bigger bonuses and overtime pay which is a huge blessing, especially since we are trying to save up as much as possible before baby comes. i am very grateful. life is good!

here is a picture of my belly at 15 weeks and 3 days! not much has changed since then. in fact most of the time my bump looks smaller than this. i still haven't really "popped" yet. only after i eat a big meal. baby is supposed to double in size though over the next few weeks so maybe it will really "pop" soon! it's kind of hard being in the in-between stage. most people probably just think i ate one too many donuts. which is probably true says the girl eating a donut as she types this. hey, i had some peaches to even it out! :)
i have a lot more i want to update about, and a lot more pictures.. but that is just going to have to wait. like i said i don't feel well at night, so i am going to go get my clean warm sheets out of the dryer and lay in bed while watching last weeks bachelor pad. i have clearly neglected my tv shows as well. good night!
ahhhhhh!!!!! congrats chloe!!!! so blessed by reading your blog and watching your family grow. God bless you and your family. yay!! any baby names yet?
Geez pretty lady! Your pregnant body is better than my regular body! :)
I'm so excited for this part of your journey friend! xo
Congratulations! He's going to be the most adorable little munchkin ever!
Everytime I hear about "blue" my heart melts. I love him so much already that I can't think about him without crying. Being a momma and grandmamma is certainly hard on the heartstrings but so worth it. i love hearing about him. I love you guys so much:)
yay! Congratulations. You will LOVE having a little boy. They are so much fun :)
That is so exciting for you guys! Congrats on your cute little boy. You guys will be the cutest parents!
YAY!!! I'm so excited for you! And you look so cute!
Holy moly! This is awesome. Congrats on finding out you're getting a little boy! I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly. You have to keep updating about your pregnancy!
:) Chloe you are an amazing person and this little baby boy is the luckiest around to have parents like you guys.
Sean and Chloe, we could not be more excited for you guys! So fun to be having a baby boy!!!Reading all the cute things Sean says to you and about the baby makes me want to cry, you guys will be great parents!
Chloe.... I'm so happy for you!! You will be such a fun boy mom. He's so lucky to have both of you as parents!! You look darling!!
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