sorry i feel kind of weird doing this. i don't love having my picture taken, especially when i am not feeling like myself. so this will be an interesting 6 months! please don't mind my hair in this. i haven't washed it in like 3 or 4 days. don't judge. i'm actually 13 weeks and a few days in this picture but i didn't get around to taking a picture when i was actually 13 weeks. it's also possible that is more of a food baby than actual baby haha. usually when i wake up in the morning any evidence of a bump is gone and i look exactly like i did before i got pregnant. just more bloated. usually after i eat anything though i get a little bump. it's probably more evident in this picture because i think those belts kind of accent the belly. also, placing the hand under the belly obviously makes it show more. also, i had just eaten a sandwich. and some ritz crisps...
i know it my seem that i haven't been documenting anything about this pregnancy but i have actually kept a week by week little survey thing with pictures on a private blog. i don't know if i will overload everyone here with those posts but i am going to try to start now on here and keep people updated. it's funny because before i got pregnant i had all these plans about what i would do when i got pregnant. "oh i'm gonna announce it in such a clever way! i am going to document it in such a unique way and take pictures all the time of my growing belly!" ha... yeah right. none of that has really happened. oh well. just know that i had every intention of being more creative but it just hasn't happened yet.
just to sum up the past 9 weeks..
up until week 10 my only symptoms were that my boobs doubled in size and hurt tremendously (sorry but it's true), breakouts, exhaustion, some mild headaches, and occasionally i would gag in the morning when brushing my teeth, which would lead to me throwing up. nothing too bad though and not much to complain about.
after week 10, when most first trimester symptoms eventually start to ease and let up? i started to get a little worse. i have thrown up a few times at work and i actually feel really sick at night. i dry heave almost every morning, but i don't feel sick doing it. i don't know if it is extreme stress at work, but when i get home i feel terrible. i don't want to eat anything and i usually just spend the rest of the night in bed. i have had quite a few bad headaches lately and it seems like no matter what i eat i get a stomach ache or heartburn. i am really sensitive to smells. we had some weird smell in our fridge for a few days and we couldn't figure out what it was. every time i would walk by the kitchen i would run to the bathroom and throw up. really though, everything is kind of random. i have been having crazy dreams but sleeping pretty well. i feel pretty lucky overall and am just going to consider myself lucky that i felt pretty good up until week 10!
all my clothes still fit... it's just hard finding shirts that i feel comfortable in since my lovely lady friends got so big so fast. oh well. it's all for a good cause right? also, to be honest i love just wearing loose clothes that feel comfortable. at my last appointment i had gained a pound from before i got pregnant. i would guess i am probably up another pound or so now. a lot of people say they feel better if they are constantly eating but i usually feel the opposite. i have to force myself to eat sometimes. i can still eat candy though like it's going out of style. lately i've really been into anything sour and tangy. still loving chocolate... especially peanut butter cups, peanut butter m&m's, and riesens. i haven't really been into meat at all and i would say my biggest craving is soft serve vanilla ice cream cones and peaches. which could be due to the fact that the baby is the size of a peach right now. a peach! crazy eh? seems like yesterday it was just a blueberry.
speaking of blueberries... sean nicknamed the baby back when it was the size of a blueberry. he used to say goodbye to me every morning before leaving work and then pat my stomach and say "goodbye baby." when he found out it was the size of a blueberry, he started calling it blue. now the name has stuck. we call the baby, blue. that will probably be the nickname when it comes out as well! sean nicknamed his nieces and nephew when they were born and i love that they have all stuck with them. i hope this one sticks. also, i hate calling it "it." we can find out in 3 weeks what "it" is! sean thinks it's a girl. i am leaning more towards boy. to be honest i am kind of hoping for a girl because i think it would be so cute to see sean with a little girl. she would have him wrapped around her finger. also, there are so many boy cousins and uncles on sean's side.. i think the chances are higher of having a boy since the boy determines the gender. it would be fun to beat the odds. i guess we will see though! we will be so happy either way!
my next appointment is in 9 days. i can't wait to hear the heartbeat again! i forgot to have them check for more than one! there are quite a few twins in my family so i should have had the dr. check. i'm sure i am probably not having twins, but we will know soon enough! they found this baby down really low on my left side. the heartbeat was 167 BPM and sounded great. baby is pretty much full formed by now, has all it's body parts and organs, and is just ready to start growing, growing, growing!
sean has been so good to me throughout this pregnancy so far. he has been such a trooper. when i get tired which is a lot more often than normal, i get clumsy and emotional and he has been so great throughout it all. helping my clean up multiple messes, helping pick my up after i fall and want to cry. calming me down after i come home from work in the worst mood. he wants to know everything about the baby as well. he gets upset when i forget to send him the weekly email updates that i get on what is going on with the baby. i love it.. haha. he is constantly trying to make sure that i am eating okay... probably because i eat pretty crappy though. always asking me if i took my prenatals. he thinks that it bothers me but i love that he cares so much. he also doesn't want me to play softball this fall. he is so worried that something will happen. he is a keeper, that's for sure. i can only imagine how protective he will be over our children. maybe we shouldn't have a girl... haha.
anyway, that's all i really have to say for now! sorry for the novel. hopefully next time i update it won't take as long. i guess that's what i get for putting it off...
AWW CONGRATS! you look adorable and I cannt wait to read more about your baby!
Aw I love This! Yes please post more! :)
I love loved this! I think you should definitely keep doing it every week! So fun to read! I hear you on gagging while brushing! I don't ever want to eat either. But if I Di eat then I don't get sick. It's like I get sick when I don't eat so then I don't want to eat, but it's the only thing that makes me feel better. Advocate believe you find outdo soon! My ultrasound is aug 27 so you will know way before me! I think you're having a girl! Sorry to sit and write about my own pregnancy, I just think its in to talk about! If toy can talk about it on a blog comment. Haha. Anyway, I just lives this!
Congratulations! You and Sean will be wonderful parents and I can't wait to see if you have a little boy or girl! No doubt it will be brought into a world full of love! xK
You are too cute! And Sean really is the best :) You couldn't have found anyone better. I'm so excited to find out what blue is too!!
I love this update! you are one gorgeous
pregnant mamma! I'm beyond thrilled for you! I really
think we need to get together. Sean and murray are clones of each other. reading this made
me realize it more! and I think you are having a girl! xoxo!
You look beautiful! I love hearing about little "blue". Thanks for sharing:) love you<3
Aww!! How exciting. I know pregnancy can be really tough. But sounds like you are doing great so far. I would dry heave and gag EVERY. single. time. that I brushed my teeth. LOL. It just gets worse... ha ha. But you will do great. I can't wait to hear if its a boy or girl. I'm so happy for you guys!
You are radiant! (And your hair looks amazing.)
Chloe, I just stumbled across your blog, and despite the fact that I don't know you, I'm ridiculously excited that you're 13 weeks along, since I am 14. So many of your early pregnancy experiences were the same as mine, so it's just nice to have that comparison. :) Anyway, many congratulations. What a road ahead...
Congratulations! I am back in the blogging world and I'm so happy to see the new changes in your life! So excited to start reading your blog again!
P.S Cutest pregnant woman ever? I think YES!
Cute! I love that nickname! You look gorgeous!
i envy that your ta-tas got instantly big.
i'm going to need that when i get pregnant.
also, your hair looks stunning. i don't know what you are talking about. plus, i tell myself and everyone around me that people with long thick hair shouldn't be washing their hair daily. i'd say 3-4 days is prime. i'm on day 5 right now. please don't judge. ;)
can't wait for you to find out the sex of the bebe!
You look so cute pregnant!!
First, Yay!!! Second, where did you get that belt? I've been looking for one just like it!
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