Monday, April 11, 2011

dinner, a cute baby, and some blurry pictures.

these pictures are all a little blurry. . . but do you know how hard it is to get a 1 year old to hold still for a picture? that is the last thing that they want to do. i just had to post these anyway because she is so stinkin' cute. her smile makes me so happy. last night we had sean's family over for dinner. it was delicious. we grilled j dawgs that we picked up on saturday and sean made his famous potato salad. we had some roasted veggies and i made a dessert that i wish was gone because i keep eating it. it was a fun time and i am glad that they all got to come over. hopefully next time brandon (sean's older brother) and his dogs can make it!


in that last picture she was trying to get her hair flower to stick on her head. it was like she thought it was magnetic. so cute! my sister in law has an awesome hair accessory business called addison renee (named after that little cutie in the pictures) if you are looking for some awesome, unique, great quality hair flowers and bows you should check out her etsy shop here!

anyway. i hope you all have been doing well. i just have to update you on how i have been these past few weeks since writing this post. i don't know if you guys read my other blog but i have been keeping track of what i have been doing as far as fitness and eating goes. and also just random thoughts that i have and what i have been feeling. i am sure it is incredibly boring to others but it has helped me a lot. i try to free write over there. i posted once about how my english teacher in high school would just have us write for ten minutes a day about anything. don't think about what you are writing. just write. don't worry about grammar and spelling or what people with think of your writing. just write. that is what i have been doing over there. it has been so therapeutic. i have been surprised but not surprised to see how much it has helped me.

i have worked out everyday for the past 2 weeks (except sunday) and i have made a lot better choices as far as eating goes. i have not cut anything out. i have just tried to be smarter about what i eat because i tend to get stomach aches a lot. i feel that by keeping track of what i am doing it has really helped me. i feel so much better. it has only been two weeks but i see a huge change. i don't know if it is the endorphins from working out or what.. but i think it helps to just have some sort of routine. i needed that. i go to the gym everyday after work and i look forward to it now. last year i would have never been able to tell you that. i am not a hardcore gym rat by any means though. i just feel better when i do something active. i feel less guilty about being lazy when i get home :) i just wanted to update you and thank you all for being so kind to me. really, it helped me so much and i took so much of the advice that was given. i definitely still have my moments. and i have sooooo much to work on still. but i at least feel like i have some direction now and it feels good. so thank you! well, i better go get in the shower.. and maybe sneak in one more bite of that dessert i made last night.. ;) good night!


Anonymous said...

She's a cutie, and I do love her little hairpiece :)

Miss Chelsea said...

I'm glad to hear you're gettin your pep back in your step! I applaud you for reachin out for help and fightin the battle

emily+brett said...

way to go chlo! working out is something that i have NEVER been good at so props to you.

Unknown said...

That's so awesome that you have started this and been so dedicated! I still haven't gotten my bum to yoga. This week though! I'm going.

Unknown said...

I love that you are working out - and yes you totally need to come to Zumba again!!!
And I totally loved your post and your honesty. Life is not full of roses and I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets down sometimes...even if my life is great.
And seriously - I have been soooo much more happy since I started working out on a consistent basis and I totally believe it helps you prioritize and refocus better on other aspects of your life- seriously - and I'm totally going to check out your other blog! I need to be better at eating better - I suck at that part!!