here are just some pictures from my phone as of late.
yes, i am aware that i take way too many pictures of the nursery, baby things, and moses with my phone. i am sure it gets old. we will just add the baby to that after he was born. it probably bugs people but i don't even care. pretty much every adorable thing in the nursery was made by my friend lee. she is amazing. she made those jars, the mobile, the adorable print, the feather banner above the crib.. she is awesome.
holy crap.. we have a pack and play in our room. i feel... so grown up now. haha. it's so weird looking over there and seeing that. it trips me out. that was a wonderful gift from the old company that i used to work for. seriously, how cool is that?
my little brother sam is awesome at football. he signed with a semi-pro league in utah called the argos. anyway, he also plays on a bunch of other teams so on saturday night after sean was working on a base for our new safe all day, we decided to head up to salt lake with my parents and go watch some games! we ate at the pie and braved the slick roads. it was a lot of fun. i needed to get out and i am glad that we did. even if i ate the almost all the cheese sticks. dang those are good.
monday was a rough day.. moe took care of me though and either laid on the bed with me or right on the floor by the bed.
monday was made better because i got to go to lunch at taco amigo with my friend juli. she is just 2 weeks behind me in her pregnancy. we went in sweats and got to vent all our frustrations. it was much needed. then it was made even better because while i was gone, my dad showed up with a diet coke in a styrofoam cup (he knows that is how i like it best) and all my favorite treats to cheer me up. he is the greatest :)
then that night we had what we hoped was our last date night. we went to macaroni grill with some good friends and today i texted sean this picture and told him that i was actually eating leftovers. this is a big deal guys... i never do that.
Come on Baby Blue! You should hurry up and see what is waiting for you out in the world! It's gonna be pretty sweet! xxx
It doesn't get old Chloe! ;) I looove the nursery. You did a great job decorating and I'm excited for you. Can't imagine what I would be like seeing a pack n play in our bedroom either. Haha. So crazy!
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