we had a fun halloween! we got to go to a few family parties. my parents threw their annual halloween by the fire party. my mom told scary stories and we had hot chocolate, apple cider, caramel popcorn, soup, and lots of other yummy treats while sitting in their backyard by the fire. lots of my cousins came. it was so fun! we also got to go to a party that sean's cousins had. we carved pumpkins and ate delicious chili! sean wanted to carve a batman pumpkin. i thought it turned out pretty good! on actual halloween night we ended up getting tickets the to first jazz game of the season! it was so much fun! so many people had costumes on and everyone was giving out candy. we had a blast! that picture of us dressed as paulie and juno is from halloween 4 years ago. funny how 4 years later we have switched places! :)
the nursery is coming along! we got the crib and i love it! i have been searching high and low for a recliner, glider, or chair for the room. all of the ones that i love are so expensive. that dang babyletto line kills me. i decided to look on KSL and it was rough. every time i found something that i liked it was immediately taken or was too far away. sean had mentioned that his parents said we could have their old recliner, so i thought maybe we had a solution. the downfall of it was that it was pink so it wouldn't exactly go with the rest of the nursery. we found some slip covers that we liked but they cost over $90. either way though that was cheaper than buying a new chair. he called them up but it turns out they had already given it to sean's brother. i decided to check KSL one more time and i found a brown corduroy recliner that i fell in love with! it had been up for a few days and it was in Salt Lake. most likely it was gone but i thought i'd call. so i did. no answer. i left a voicemail and even texted the guy and nothing. i sort of gave up on it but then a few hours later i got a text back saying the chair was available. sean was busy at the ward halloween party so my dad drove up with me in his truck to get it. turns out this guy had sold it a few days before but no one ever came to get it. he said he had a ton more calls on it but then decided to open it up to new people. guess it was my lucky day! i got it for $90 (as much a slipcover for any other used recliner would be). it is in such great condition and we won't need to cover it or do anything to it. i never get lucky like that! i was so happy.
i spray painted some antlers to hang above the crib and pulled out all of the stuff from my elephant/safari collection. so glad i can finally use most of it! on saturday my mom, maddie, and i went to ikea and although i had a few different things in mind for a dresser and rug, i ended up getting some stuff there. the rug i originally wanted was quite a bit bigger than the one i got at ikea, and was more expensive. i am sure it was probably a lot softer, but in the end it's probably a good thing i got this smaller cheaper rug because moses ended up ripping pieces out of it. it actually still looks okay. it's so funny because he loves laying on that rug but i guess one day he just got curious and started ripping it apart... silly dog. the dresser will be able to be used as a changing table as well and it was much cheaper than the babyletto one i really wanted. we got some curtains as well (that are way too long so i need to hem them) sheets, a bumper bad, a pillow, a blanket, a lamp shade, and a little storage tote that is made out of coconut leaves. i think it is all coming together! we still have a few projects to do.. like hang up his name... (still not sure of what that is yet) and hang up some more pictures and the curtains. i am so excited though! i really like how it is turning out. once it is all done i will take some pictures with my nice camera and put them up here! or maybe i will have maddie take them... ;)
anyway, i won't explain every picture because some of it was mentioned in my last post.. but life is good! we are just counting down the weeks to baby blue's arrival. it should go pretty quick with all the holidays coming up!
tonight we are heading to another jazz game. they are playing the lakers and we get to watch from a suite! i can't wait! this weekend we are headed to texas for one last getaway before the baby gets here. sean will be going for a work conference thing, but i am going to tag along and we will get to do fun stuff at night! i can't wait!
p.s. wasn't sean the cutest baby?!? he's the blondie and i am obviously the black haired baby. i wonder what baby blue will look like??
So darling! Love you guys - have fun in Texas!!
Decorating the nursery sounds like so much fun! I seriously can't wait until I get to do that one day :) I love the Halloween picture from four years ago, I think I've even reading your blog for almost that long! 3 years at least... How crazy is that?! And now you're having a baby! So excited for you!!! <3
Love love love you so much!!!!! I have told you before that having a baby is like falling in love every single day! I still feel that about you guys even now:)I can't wait to meet him!! And to see you feel what I feel for you. You will be amazed.
i loved this! i haven't been blogging either. i don't feel like anyone has. instagram is just taking over, isn't it? i'm so excited to see the rest of your nursery! i'm excited to see the bumper pad and everything. so far it looks so cute! i wish i was more creative. poor dane has never had a cute room, so i'm determined to make him one and make the baby one before january. ha. we'll see. i'm excited for you to go to texas! that sounds fun! it will be good to have some good one-on-one time with sean before the baby comes. gosh. i had like a million things to say on this post, but of course i forgot everything. don't be surprised if i come back with more comments...
can't believe your so close! so exciting! anyways, love this post and your collage. gosh, i love your whole blog! ok. i'm done. :)
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