he did it. he graduated today with his bachelor degree in business management. i have never been so proud of anyone or anything in my entire life. i have been tearing up all day just thinking about it. i didn't think that i would be so emotional about this.. but this morning as i was driving up to the school my eyes started to water. and then i just couldn't keep it in anymore. i guess i have been holding a lot in these past 3 years. it is all that we have known in our marriage. it hasn't been easy being married to a full time student with a full time job. there were a lot of nights that we didn't get to see each other. a lot of trips we couldn't take and things we couldn't do because of this other woman called "school". the closer he got to graduating, the harder it has been. sean always made sure to make me feel so important though. i knew it would be worth it. it totally was. when he walked out this morning to take his seat in his cap and gown the floodgates opened. i was so happy and so proud. it was the best feeling cry that i have ever experienced. i looked over and my mother in law and mom were both crying those same tears. it was a pretty incredible experience. one that i will never forget. and maybe i am making a big deal out of this, but hey. it is a big deal. there are a few other things and experiences that we were hoping to have gone through at this point in our marriage... but life has a funny way of working out. right now i am just going to enjoy this time i get with just me and my husband. i am sure our next adventure will happen when we least expect it and when the time is right. today i learned a huge lesson. it was worth the wait.
p.s. that guitar is sean's new lady. his graduation present. i got a lovely wake up call this morning from her. also, thanks to all of our friends and family who have supported us throughout this! thanks for coming to dinner last night at malawi's and making sean feel so loved! we love you all! congrats sean collin ashby! next time i will make sure to put the battery back in the camera after charging it.. (i forgot to put it back in the camera before dinner last night) and if you ever graduate again and i remember the battery? i will make sure there is plenty of room on the memory card! (today... i ran out right when sean was walking... hence all the phone pictures!)
i am SO happy for you guys! you deserve this! i am so proud of sean for being so diligent with his school and work, and he still manages to treat you like a queen! what a great guy! and i am so proud of you for supporting him through it all! it's just as much as a sacrifice! love you guys!!!!
I think school is as hard on the wife as is it the husband. Sean is lucky to have a great supportive wife like you. Congratulations again Sean! So happy for you guys.
Okay this made ME cry! And it IS a big deal! I am so so excited for you guys and for you to be able to havevyourvhusbsnd back! And you are right...enjoy the time you have together as just the 2 of you. Especially because now its summer and ....well, it's summer! Congrats to both of you!!
I am so proud of both of you! Well done!
Congratulations to both of you! :)
Congratulations Sean!!! Finally, school's done, and something new can be now accomplished. :) Relaxing. :)
So proud of him! :)
Congrats to Sean. That's such a good feeling to graduate! That's so exciting. Your life is going to be so different now...crazy, I can't wait for that!
YEA!!!! I'm so happy for both of you that Sean is done with school! What a BIG accomplishment. I can't wait for Bret to be done. I'm sure I will cry too. We need to get together soon!
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