this weekend has consisted of:
-us both getting off work a half an hour early on friday! wahoo! so glad this work month is over.
-heading over to my parents with moses to watch the jazz game and have a barbecue in their backyard.
-mom made popcorn and kettle corn with the whirley pop! it was delicious. i need to get me one of those.
-sean dropped off some soup and cake from zupa's to devin and katie because katie is very sick! hope you are feeling better katie!
-he also brought us some sinful 7 cake from zupas. my favorite. my mom brought it out with like 6 spoons, but everyone else was pretty full from hot dogs, smores, and popcorn, so she decided to use all 6 spoons herself. i love her!
-sam and sarah's dog claire and moses teasing each other. claire might be tiny but she definitely wears the pants in their relationship. she thinks she is big. moses thinks he is little. it's so funny to watch them!
-on saturday, sean woke up and mowed the lawn before conference. i slept in of course.
-then we watched the morning session. i love conference. it always seems to come around right when i need it.
-in between conference sessions i took the car to get registered here in springville... of course i put it off until the last day of the month. my debit card also expires today too and they haven't sent me a new one yet. crap. anyway it was a 2 hour wait at the jiffy lube. i could have gone somewhere else but i really wanted to use the coupons we had. so i drove down to the one in orem on 800 north. they got me in right away and it took 10 minutes! wahoo!
-finally got the car washed after registering it. it was much needed.
-after that for some reason my car just drove right to target because it was the closest store. i had to pick up a few things.. i got stuck in there for an hour. the new re-model makes it even more tempting in there because i had to walk through the whole store to find things. i think it was a clever marketing trick on their part. i had myself convinced i already needed new curtains, patio furniture, a globe, new duvet cover, new shower curtains, new white dishes... oh my gosh those dishes are adorable. anyway, i put it all back and left with only what i came for.. and maybe a few other things. but still. i hate and love you target. i have no self control there.
-watched the afternoon session while cleaning our bedroom and doing laundry. i especially loved this talk.
-sean headed to priesthood and i headed over to my friend sara's to have a girls night with her! we ate pizza, made rice crispy treats... ate the entire pan.. and watched 13 going on 30.
-sean and i finished the night watching shark tank and i finished reading the lucky one. a book that i started on thursday. sooo good. i couldn't put it down. i wanted to read it before i saw the movie which comes out april 20th. mission accomplished. i will admit that knowing zac efron was going to be in it encouraged me to get the book so i could picture him as logan. i'm a fan. i have read almost all of nicholas sparks books, but for some reason i hadn't read this one. i don't know why! so glad i did though.
-today sean woke me up and told me to come downstairs. he had made us breakfast! we ate that and watched conference. he did homework in between sessions and i napped. it has been a great weekend!
Sounds perfect! That popcorn sounds delish. :)
How fun!
Sounds like the perfect-relaxing weekend.
You have the cutest life.
ALSO! You guys like Shark Tank? It is the best show ever!
sounds perfect!
lucky one is my very very favorite nicholas sparks book. when i found out they were making a movie? i died. when i found out sac efron was in it? i died again. when i saw the preview...oh my. let's just say michael was like, 'i'll let you go with your sisters so you don't have to worry about me interrupting your staring at zac.' or something. haha.
anyway. i had something else to say... not sure. anyway, enjoy the rest of your sunday!
Sounds like we'll be seeing a movie soon.... :D
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