so the first one? sean. he is my favorite. my best friend.

my new purse. after work yesterday lee and i, okay mostly me, needed some retail therapy. i needed candy asap. i also had to pick up a few other necessary things, so we headed to target. i love target. if i could make babies with it i would. i hate that i live by a walmart. i so badly want to blow away and be replaced with a target. anyway... i have been eyeing this purse for a while. i refrained though. which is not usual for me. yesterday when we went? i found it. they had one left. and it was on clearance.. if that is not a sign from the purse gods that i must get this purse? i don't know what is. i couldn't not get it or something bad surely would have happened to me. so i got it. also, walked out of their spending less than a $100. i consider that a success at target. also, after my expensive mustard colored cursed purse disaster? i really consider anything cheaper than that, almost free. even though it's not. humor me though k?

i also stocked up on candy. bought like $50 worth. and most of it was at the request of my dog walker. he gave me a candy list. oh how i love him.

these chewy sweet tarts are AMAZING. seriously. my new favorite candy right now. not usually my typical favorites either. but right now? i'm in love.

the good thing about being so busy that week or two of the month? my work buys us lunch everyday during those weeks! they are so good to us. today we got cafe rio. the good thing about this is that it is one of the only restaurant leftovers that i will eat. i am weird about leftovers for some reason. but with cafe rio? i will eat it later. or sean will. and it makes me feel like a good wife for providing sean with dinner. it's a win win.

i still love this picture. so much. it's amazing.

the fire pit that my parents gave sean for his birthday. and the fact that the weather is getting nice enough that we will be able to use it soon!

my cute plate i got from the antique mall. katie and amanda each got a matching one. we love them. also look how cute this subway art is? my adorable sister in law katie gave this to us for christmas! it is the lyrics to sean and i's song. isn't that sweet?? she is so talented. i think she should sell this stuff on etsy!

diet dr. pepper. 3 for $11 at target right now. not the best deal i've seen, but not the worst either.
here are some from my cell phone:

this was taken on our anniversary. we ate at a restaurant that has the most amazing view of the temple.

the other day i was trying to play a dvd but this came on the VCR. sean was watching home videos and i got to watch him and his adorable siblings. they were so hilarious! this is his brother devin doing an awesome, awesome dance.

my moses. he is my other best friend. he keeps me sane as well. i love him.

my adorable niece addi! we celebrated her 2nd birthday on sunday. i can't believe how grown up she is now. i love her!

sean again. enough said.
also, yesterday at work in the midst of the craziness, i got this email from sean. it made my day a million times better:
My thoughts for the last 30 min while I’ve been working on reconciling net worth of borrowers….
1. You are sexy and I love you and I want to grow old with you and die together in the same bed like they do in the trapper keeper show.
2. We should make a treat for Kaylee since I don’t think $20 was enough for the painting…I’m thinking maybe a banna cream pie? One for me and one for her?
3. I forgot to bring the insurance stuff again. I will call them when I get home.
4. I won’t be home until 6:30ish cuz I need to meet with my group
5. Thanks for taking the bull by the horns and getting that stuff put away and out of the wind this morning.
6. You are so sweet for buying those clothes for addi.
7. I graduate on the 27th of April and I’d like to go to Torrey that weekend and chillax un poco.
8. I forgot to eat breakfast this morning and im very hungry.
9. I forgot to bring that lunch stuff so I could go to your mom’s. we might just have to make a trip up there to drop it all off one night.
10. I forget a lot of things.
11. I watched the “keep bleeding” voice performance again this morning cuz I thought it was the best one this season and it made me miss music and playing my electric guitar.
That is all.
haha. sean calls the notebook the trapper keeper show.. haha. oh how i love him. writing this post about things that make me happy made me feel better. so i am glad i wrote it. :)
Ah this happy post made me smile! :)
I now need some candy and a new purse asap. Thanks for that :) :) :)
THAT is a temple. Wow.
Sweetest painting ever, and I love the subway art. She should definitely be selling those.
Oh yes, and I need some banna cream pie too. My favourite!!
I need some candy, too. But Boss keeps getting mad at me when I buy treats. He just doesn't understand that women have needs that only candy (mostly chocolate) can fill.
#1 from the Sean email made me chuckle and do the "awwww" pretty much simultaneously. Good man. You should make him that pie. ;)
(Also, #7 is so close! Yay for Sean, and YOU! :)
I make happy lists as well Chloe. Glad things are brightening up. And, candy and a little retail therapy usually does the trick. Hugs friend!!
I almost bought that purse, i love it!! and Moses.....oh my....so cute.
okay. sean's email was the cutest thing i've ever read. i loove stuff like that. so sweet. i'm glad you wrote this post too. i loved hearing what made you happy :)
I will say it again...I could read your blog all day. Start making hourly post please. Thank you.
chloe, you are so dang cute!
-that painting is amazing
-i want/need your purse
-i have your same shopping problem :)
-i think i need to come get some easter candy! yummm.
oh, and if you ever need a target buddy- i go there every week. its bad. ha!
Cafe Rio? What are you trying to do to me? Oh man, the mexican food in Cambodia currently cannot compare to Cafe Rio.
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