Wednesday, March 21, 2012

a priceless picture.


on our anniversary last week, sean asked me to send him my favorite picture of moses. he said it was a secret. well this is my favorite picture. it was taken by my sister maddie the day that we got him. you don't have to know that i sent him like 6 more though. but that is besides the point. well the reason that he asked was because one of his co-workers has a daughter who is an amazing artist. and she loves puppies. so she is pretty much my best friend. he had her draw this for me. look at this! isn't amazing? oh and guess what. she is only 11! yes. you read that right. 11. i am amazed. this picture is priceless to me. thank you sean and thank you to the amazing 11 year old artist!

p.s. this picture is taken from sean's phone so i haven't even seen the original yet. i can't wait!

p.s.s. my mom will be announcing winner of her giveaway on friday.. so make sure you go enter soon! your chances of winning are still very high!


J and A said...

That is amazing. I love it. What a sweet gift!! And of course Moses is adorable.

Kell said...

How amazing! At 11 I couldn't even draw a stick figure. What a cute gift :)

knz said...

Oh! that is so adorable!

Unknown said...

That's awesome. She has some serious talent.