sean is so selfless, humble, sweet, giving, hard-working, smart, silly, sarcastic, hilarious, genuine, and honest. he would hate that i am doing this on here. he is so humble and hates being the center of attention. he has a hard time admitting that he is good at things. even when he is good at them. he is not often a man of many words. don't get me wrong though he can talk and has a lot to say about a lot of stuff. i should say he is not a man of many words when it comes to certain topics. he doesn't really like to talk about his feelings or get emotional if you know what i mean. but when he does? i know he means it. and besides, his actions say more than words could ever. he does so many things for me that he doesn't think i will ever notice. but i do. he scrapes my windows for me (well while we had both cars parked outside when we had the dogs in the garage) even if it will make him late for work. and now that the dogs aren't in the garage he lets me park in the garage. we could fit both cars but we have all moses stuff in there so for now we only park one car in there.
he folds the laundry that i start. he makes me toast when i am running late. he doesn't care when i just make cereal or cookies for dinner. he embraces it. he organizes my life for me when i am a mess. physically and emotionally. he treats other people with so much kindness. he is never mean to waiters and i love that. he treats others with so much respect and always tries to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. and i wish i could be like that. i am sorry, i don't mean to be all braggy on here. there are tons of amazing husbands out there! i don't think anyone has the best husband in the whole world. this is not a competition. and i don't think sean is the best husband in the world. but he is the best husband for me. i just feel like i can't let this month pass by and not express how grateful i am for him.
a few months ago sean won a gift card in a contest. he got to pick a $30 gift card to anywhere. he chose nordstom (RIP soon orem nordstrom). nordstrom. why would he pick that you ask? because he gave it to me. he could have easily picked home depot or sports authority but he wanted me to buy something nice for myself. i actually found out before he gave it to me because he won it on facebook and i entered the same contest. so when they said "sean ashby chose a gift card to nordstrom!!" i got a little suspicious and confronted him in fear that he might not like girls anymore... haha totally kidding. but if you know sean you would know he is not a nordstrom type of guy. anyway it's those selfless acts he does that mean the most to me. he didn't have to do that. but he never even thought twice about it. he doesn't just do this kind of stuff for me. he would do it for anyone. anyway, i will stop. i know it can get kinda annoying reading these kinds of things. but this is for sean. sean... i love you so much! i know i can be difficult sometimes. and a mess most of the time. and it's probably pretty rare that i am actually pleasant to be around. but for some reason you hold out for those moments. it's probably cliche to say this but i can't really find the words to express it. just know that i love you!
on a lighter note.. i am sad the weekend is almost over. i am going to finish it up lying in bed and watching movies and football with my moses and sean. while drinking diet dr. pepper. and making a delicious treat.... in fact i am doing all that now... minus the delicious treat. i better get on that. i hope you all have had a great weekend!

Not at all annoying to read! Made me feel all mushy inside! :) Haha! I'm such a romantic! :)
not annoying. not braggy. so sweet. you guys are so cute. sean sounds like such a great guy. you guys are perfect for each other i think. as if i even know him. ha. but serious..that's what i think.
not a fan of the weekend being over. glad it was good for you, though. only a few weeks til christmas!
You deserve him girl... you don't deserve any less than the best! :)
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