i should be napping right now. luckily i already had these pictures uploaded and ready to go. i am incredibly sick. i have come down with a stupid cold and i feel terrible. i came home from work early and fell asleep for about an hour and then the three dogs decided they would not stop barking. our neighbor has a black cat and they can see it from the window. when i took them out to go to the bathroom they all booked it. they chased after that cat as fast as they could. i watched riley poop under someones trampoline. and me being the great citizen that i am (not) pretended like i didn't notice and finally got them to come inside. i'm not feeling well enough to go walk all the way over there and pick up the poop. also, he hasn't pooped in a while so i am just glad that he did. which is funny to say since he is the one that wouldn't stop pooping in the garage and pooped in my bathroom. guess i can never be pleased. haha.
sigh. it's a bad week to be sick. work is going to be so busy, but luckily we slowed down enough this afternoon that my co-workers let me go. they are the best. i have been feeling kinda sick all weekend but it hit me really hard today while at work. i hate that it comes on so suddenly like that. i'm just trying to take it easy but can't seem to get comfortable so i thought i'd hop on here for a bit. i haven't been reading blogs for about a week and a half now. or been on facebook. i also deleted my pinterest. sigh. i am regretting that one a little. but i feel like it was turning into a negative thing for me. which i hate saying because i LOVED it so much. i felt like it was such a positive place but then i get comments from strangers or see people commenting on randoms strangers stuff, questioning my likes or their likes.. and it makes me sad! pinterest is a personal place and i just feel like we should respect other peoples likes and interests. why do we have to question what colors they think are cool or what fashions they like? it's okay to have an opinion but sometimes it's even more okay to just keep it to ourselves. i guess i am just too sensitive about stuff like that. it was starting to depress me though. oh well. i am trying to take a break from social media. mostly facebook though. i am not going back on until at least october 31st. that's my goal. so far it has been really nice. i don't know why but facebook can get frustrating sometimes. it's definitely a love/hate thing for me. i have found other things to do though with my time so it's been nice. i don't think i've read blogs either for a week and half. except for today. so sorry i have been MIA! things are just crazy with these three dogs. oh and we got the cement poured for our patio! it looks great and our yard finally looks finished. except for the fact that we don't have a fence. but who needs a fence eh? we have one side fenced (neighbors got one) haha. so that's enough for me. someday though.. i'm not getting one until i can pay cash for it. so it could be a while. but i am saving up for it.
also.. sean got a new job. as most of you know we knew each other in high school but starting dating several years later when i got a job at my work. he had already been working there for about a year. it's been such a blessing for both of us working there. they are such a great company and had it not been for that job we probably would not be where we are now. i would like to think that we would have still ended up together, but i have no doubt i got a job there to bring me to sean. it's bittersweet that he is leaving. it's been awesome being able to carpool together and go to lunch together and see each other often. it has been all we have known throughout our marriage. so this will definitely be a change. sean loves working for his boss troy. we both love troy and his family so much. it is really going to be hard for sean to leave that. he has learned so much from troy and this company. they have been so great to us. it's hard. because he is leaving a great job. for another great job. it might not make sense to most people. but we have prayed a lot about this decision and just feel that it is the best direction for our family and our future. i won't get into too much detail on that. but we are excited for the new adventure that awaits us. sean starts his new job on halloween! he will still be working in finance which he is incredibly happy about. he is also really good at it, but he won't tell you that ;) anyway. that is about all that is going on.. i'm off to take some more cold medicine and try to keep these hot flashes i am having at bay...
Poor thing! Being sick is the worst! I hope you feel better soon :) I absolutely ADORE all those photos - you two are a gorgeous couple. And YOU Chloe are fierce! :) Love love love Maddie's work :)
PS: I hope you picked lots of those flowers! I'm craving wildflowers right now. I would be bingeing but I don't know where to find fields like that here :( I need to come visit! :)
i love the photos. you and sean are so photogenic. AND get well soon!!
The pictures are incredible, they're so warm and sunny, and you and Sean are a gorgeous couple.
And Moses, goodness, I am not a fan of dogs, but I a fan of Moses. You have the most adorable dog. (And when I show pictures of him to Z, he gets super excited because doggies are his favorite.)
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one fed up with social media. I'm on a trial separation from Facebook and it had been glorious. ;)
I'm sorry you're sick, I hope you get feeling better soon.
I love you Chlo! Glad you like the pics :). It's hard to escape negative/rude people in this world, but thank goodness you're not one of them. You are always sweet and kind to others, and keep things light, upbeat, and humorous while still being true to yourself. You never mock people for their interests and beliefs, and that's one of the amazing things about you. Glad your back to blogging :) love ya sis!
What incredible pictures Chloe!
I'm sorry you're sick-I hate that. Hope you get well soon! Tell Sean Congrats on the new job! When you get feeling better we REALLY need to get together!
these pictures rock, you and sean are so cute togehter! So glad you are blogging more!
chloe. holy crap. these are freaking amazing. you and sean are a ridiculously gorgeous couple! k. i was mentally making a list of my favorites, but i lost track after about teh fifth one. my very very favorite is the one where you're holding his shirt and kissing kind of hard. ha. does that sound so creepy that i love that one? i just do. ic an't help it. i've always loved kissing pictures. i also love the one where he is kissing you on the forehead. and i love this one..i can't remember what you guys are doing. kissing probably. but hte lighting is so great. it's about 2/3 the way down the post. anyway. i want to say somethign about all the ones i love, but i can't remember them all! annoying! anyway. these are amazing. maddie is so awesome. and you and sean are the cutest!
sorry you are sick. bummer :( i hope you get feeling better!
Beautiful pictures Maddie and you two are beautiful as well. Not going to lie that last picture with Sean doing his... ummmmm... Sean face is the BEST!!! LOL Love you both and sorry you are not feeling well.
beautiful pictures! your sister is so talented! and you guys make such a gorgeous couple. Sad to hear you are so sick!! that sucks, hope you get feeling better soon! since you won't be on facebook anytime soon. me and Ty wanted to invite you two to our Halloween Party. It's on Monday October 31 (halloween) haha and it's at 7 pm. Costumes are a must! there will be prizes! hope you guys can come!. PS. I should probably just get your phone number!
PS, you are gorgeous. Not fair!
where do i even begin?
firstly, maddie did an amazing job on the pictures.
second, i'm so with you on the whole FB thing. i love how i can keep in touch with people far away, but sometimes, it really gets me down.
and yay for new patio and jobs!
i'm sure sean will be amazing.
p.s i hope you start feeling better soon, love!
K half of these pictures make me feel dirty looking at them and the other half make me wish I was there cause you guys look like you are having fun!
These pictures are so sweet Chloe. Gorgeous couple. You two look so happy :-)
Beautiful pictures!! YOu two make a lovely couple, and your dog is cute! Colds are the worst...im sitting at home with the worst cold ever!! Its so not fun. Loved checking out your blog!
these photos are so cute! i'm totally behind the times...being pregnant is a real time suck! but i wanted to say hi and i miss you and i hope sean is loving his new job!!
i love the picture kinda in the middle where you are grabbing his shirt and pulling him while kissing him. soo cute.
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