chloe: "sean! pinterest is important! how else am i going to get a body like that if i don't pin it?"
sean: "you are insane chloe."
chloe: "sean. pinterest is everything that is great about the internet... all in one spot."
sean: "so that makes it okay to pin your boyfriend tim riggins on there?"
chloe: "sean, if you were on pinterest i would totally pin you too. and look! that is our quilt! we have that quilt! our quilt is on pinterest! aren't you proud? do you see this?"
sean: "yeah i see it and we can't ever use it! because you won't let me!"
chloe: "sean, we use the quilt. at the foot of the bed. it's a foot warmer."
sean: "it's not even on the bed right now chloe. it's bundled up over there in the corner."
chloe: "that is because you always kick it off because it makes your feet too warm. but i guess that means that it is doing a good job. it's a good quilt. so stop complaining. plus.. it's on pinterest!"
sean: "you wouldn't let me sleep with it chloe! that one time? i tried? i got all wrapped up in it and you said and i quote,
"no! absolutely not! not happening! put that down!"
then chloe being an idiot got super confused and didn't realize he was quoting her when he said "put that down" feels like she needs to pull out a pencil and paper or something and continues with...
chloe: "put what down?"
sean: "what i just said. put that down!"
chloe: "put it down where?"
sean: "i don't know.. on the table?"
apparently sean doesn't understand pinterest... and i just don't understand... anything. that's probably why he keeps turning the volume up on the tv when i open my mouth.
guess i'll just go back to pinning. in silence.
Yay for pinterest. Guys just don't get it, you are right. :) It is very important! ;) Hahahaha!
I don't understand this pinterest.
so funny. brett doesn't understand it either. he calls it "pin.ter.est" instead of interest with a p. anyway. i love it. i could spend all day there.
I didn't just wander over to your blog after like an hour of pinning stuff. I also didn't start following your boards. My boyfriend also has the lovely ability to remember, word for word, what I say. I pretend he is crazy and I never said anything of the sort in most occasions.
Um. I need pinterest lessons. I have NO idea what I'm doing. Seriously. Can we get together and do this? I need your help.
I LOVE your quilt! And your room! :) :) :)
I looove pintrest!!! Yay! And this post is really funny!
I looove pintrest! I understand the obsession. And this post is really funny!
Boys don't understand. But more than that, the conversations between you and Sean that you post are hilarious! :)
I'm crackin up
how have i not been following you?? i am now! :)
I want to add decorative pillows to the list of things boys don't understand. Scott has tried to sleep on some of our decorative pillows and doesn't understand when I give him a look of utter shock/disgust when he does that.
I just love your explanation of pinterest. It really is everything great about the internet.
hahah pinterest is the BEST addiction.
chloe you guys are hilarious. you need a tv show!!! i love all your stories. if men only understood the greatness of pinterest.. haha maybe one day you'll catch him on it! happy weekend :) oh and darling bedroom! me love.
I MISS pinteret! I really do! I miss spending endless hours on the internet. I can't wait to get internet at permanent site and when school is out, guess where I'll be...
hahaha... i love married people's conversation.
and your bedroom. oh, love love the urban quilt. so cute, chlo-bo. :)
"how else am i going to get a body like that if i don't pin it?"
hahahha! I feel the same way ;-)
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