Tuesday, August 11, 2009


a baby....

sean doesn't even know about this yet...

i was just so excited that i had to share...

 okay okay, don't get all excited mom and vicki. 
this is just an elephant ultrasound.. oh gol, can you imagine?

23 year old Christie from the Hogle Zoo had her first baby!!
she was only pregnant for 22 months... (yeesh, no thanks)

is that not the cutest thing you have ever seen?
click on the picture for more info.
i am so going to see her.

this is big people.
i don't think i've been this excited
since they came out with the all 
red pack of starbursts.
see here if you don't remember that.


Staci T said...

i think you might be insane. when the time comes, please do not inform me on your blog. p.s. way cute!

Maddie said...

hahah oh gosh, you almost scared ME for a second!!

Spencer & Cara said...

Dude... we are going to the zoo on Saturday! You guys should join us!

Tolman Family said...

I went 2 days before she had her baby so I was sad I missed it! It's really cute and there are a lot of baby animals at the zoo right now.

knz said...

I think they should name it Chloe!!!
That would be so cute.

Rachel Leigh said...

That is hilarious! I love it. I want to go to the zoo now.

Rachel Leigh said...

oh, and I didn't know that there were all red packs of starburst, I am so going to get one. That is the only color I like.

Lee S. said...

lol...this post gave us all a minor scare...i am excited to go see this baby too! it may be a little while tho til we can have a peek!!

derek and kimber said...

Hahaha. chloe, your posts always make me smile!! I think the baby elephant is so stinking cute.. (oh and I loved when they came out with all red startbusrt too.. it was pure genius and much needed!!)