those are just a few of the many million instagram pictures i have taken lately. there is no way i could post all of them. if you want to see them all check out my tumblr here. man i have been in a blogging funk lately. i thought things would slow down once sean graduated.. but it seems like life has gotten even crazier. work is so busy for us both and our callings have been taking up a lot of our time. can't complain though! life is good and i love having my husband back. life is nuts but at least we get to see each other more. i play on a women's softball team on monday nights and we play on a co-ed team on friday nights. wednesday nights we have mutual so our only free nights are tuesday and thursday and they seem to fill up pretty quickly. we haven't had milk in our fridge in almost a week. i feel like there is no time to get to the store!
we are also buckling down and trying to pay off sean's student loans as fast as we can now that he is graduated. that is one of the reasons that i am grateful work is so busy for me. even though it's hard it is worth it. we just paid off 4 of them that were already accruing interest on and now have 4 left that don't start accruing interest until december. our goal is to pay them off within a year. that means back to ramen and toast for every meal! i hope that we can pull it off. we are going to be pretty boring people for a while. student loans suck!
moses is as cute as ever. except we came home last night and he had thrown up all over the bed. awesome! not so cute. gotta love that. i lay blankets down though for him when we leave so at least all we had to wash were the blankets. he is still going on his dog walks and loving life. we got him a new harness collar thing and he behaves so well when he gets walked with that. it's a lifesaver.
we also got some new patio furniture! sean has been working so hard in our yard. he is so good at it. i wish i could take some credit for it. we even planted a new pine tree! i did help with that... look at the cute baby pine cones! i love our yard. we put bistro lights on the umbrella and it is so nice to sit out there at night. someday we will get a fence... someday.
we have spent lots of time playing with our nieces and nephew and families. we did some hiking last weekend and also got to see the solar eclipse on sunday! our neighbors had some x-ray paper so we got a picture of the eclipse with that and our camera. it was super neat. my eyes still hurt though.
last night my uncle and his girlfriend mara took us to chef's table to celebrate sean graduating. it was so delicious and so nice of them to do that for us! after that we headed over to sean's parents to have cake for his younger brother devin's birthday! he is turning 25 today. happy birthday devin!!
we are so excited for this weekend. sean's company is treating all of their employees to a weekend in park city. we get to stay at the park city waldorf astoria hotel in a 1 bedroom suite. they cover all of our meals and we even get to have a smore party one of the nights. we haven't had a vacation together in a while and we are really looking forward to the 3 day weekend! anyway, that is about all that is new with us!
i loved reading this! even though i feel like i keep up with you through instagram, i still loved hearing about what's going on with you guys. sorry things are still busy! i guess that can be both good and bad...and good for you guys for paying off student loans so fast! michael and i both have them, and i swear we'll have them til we die. it is not fun. your weekend in pc sounds so fun! i hope you guys have a blast!
Aw I wanna come hang out on your patio! :) Your weekend sounds awesome! Smore party!!! :)
Ooh, love your patio, with the lights on the umbrella. That would be awesome for summertime outdoor dinners. Oh, how I wish I had a yard.
Way to go on paying the student loans! They do suck! When Boss and I got married he was paying one off, but we got that one paid of. Now, with him about to start school again, we'll be getting back into those darn loans. (Here's hoping we'll be able to get that one payed off quickly.)
You guys are cute. So happy you have Sean back, even if life is super busy for you. But really, when is life not busy? That's just the joy of being grown up, I guess.
You're awesome!
So proud of you guys! You look beautiful in these pictures. We sure make cute kids:) love you.....
hehe that first photo is awesome and I love your instagram.
I'm glad you're seeing sean more and that life is good for you though I do agree, student loans suck! x
Your patio looks great, I adore the bistro lights. This post made me long for home and warm- not swealtering summer nights. Waldorf Astoria? Hot dang, that's awesome! You'll have to post about how it is.
You are amazing!!! Way to WORK to pay off your stuff. Way to SAVE and PLAN AHEAD to do what is right. We look up to you - Thanks for being our friends!
You will love the Waldorf Astoria. I am excited for you guys. I hope you have a great weekend.
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