1. diet cherry limeade from sonic!
2. diet cherry limeade from sonic... all over my file at work. heart shaped though. so that is cool.
3. mickey mouse pretzels from disneyland.
4. me at home, in sweats, with the remote, watching hart of dixie.
5. a wonderful bath bomb, made by my friend lee!
6. moses hiding under the bed.
7. sometimes mcdonald's diet coke is the only reason i get out of bed in the morning.
8. the closing department got employees of the month in december. they used my maiden name. i just now noticed. last time i got employee of the month they spelled it chole, so at least that is progress! i promise they know my name! haha.
so far i really am enjoying instagram more than facebook and twitter. it just seems more to be more interesting than twitter and less dramatic than facebook. i highly recommend it! if you want to follow us on instagram, my name is chloeroseashby and sean is seancashby! let me know your name and i will follow you!
also, an a different note, with picnik close to being gone, i have found a few cool new sites that don't replace it, but still get the job done! there is picmonkey , aviary, pixlr editor , and pixlr express! there is always photobucket, that allows you to store and edit photos. you can also still use google plus to edit pictures similar to the way that picnik does.. anyway, that is what i have learned! if you have any other cool places you would suggest, let me know! i don't really use picnik much anymore, i just edit straight from my computer, but it's still nice to have other options around just in case!
Woo! I love having so many more friends with instagram now that it's available for android, too!
I'm so glad its finally out. It killed me to see all my sisters on instagram and not me!
Also, I added you because I think you are just adorable. :)
Yayyyy!!!! Mrslewicutt .. Imma go find you!
Agree. Much better than Facebook. I'm obsessed and check it and post like 90 times a day (I'm sure you've noticed)
I'm still so excited about this :) woooo!! Loving your pics dso far!
I just downloaded instagram for my android phone just the other day! I haven't played with it much. but some of the photos I choose, then import into instagram it always says that the photo is too small. What does that mean? have you experienced that!? Help me! :)
YOU are a lifesaver! haha thank you so much for the info! I think I changed the settings correctly! i'm following you now. my name is kayla_powell
THANKS again! you always know everything. haha
ahhh i am excited, just downloaded the app!!
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