Friday, June 5, 2009


I am glad its Friday. I am worn out and ready for the weekend. We had a hard time waking up this morning. We decided to go for the natural look and chose not to shower to conserve water and stuff. This morning Sean informed me that my underwear was on backwards. I thought he said my pants were on backwards and I was like pretty sure I would know if my pants were on backwards..duh. But then he was like..umm I can see the tag from your underwear. FAIL. He is so sweet though. Always lookin out for me. This is not the first time its happened. Hey at least this time it was not inside out..

I google imaged this picture and was like umm..yeah there is an elephant on it, and its on backwards. Double Awesome. Try googling underwear backwards at work. Wait..dont..

So today Sean and I got paid, and after realizing that our money is already gone, we are going on a budget until our next paychecks. We have decided to not eat out unless: its free, someone else is paying, or we have a gift card. So please take us out to lunch k? We have decided that we are going to try to eat at home as much as possible and live off of thirty dollars each in our wallets. This is going to tough for several reasons. The first being that I never have cash. So now this means I have to go the bank. 2nd, I spend about 3 dollars a day on Diet Dr. Pepper. If you do the math, this will only last me 10 days. And that doesn't even count candy or treats. I am now accepting donations to support my addiction. Then me thinking I was being smart decided that we should switch debit cards so that if we wanted to spend money we would have to think twice, because it was the other persons money. Yeah that was stupid. Wish us luck!


Jules AF said...

I hate being on a budget. BOOO

Staci T said...

There is lots of chicken salad at my house and dad just bought new bread. Knock yourselves out. By the way, I have never worn my underwear backwards so you must get that from dad and I will take you out for lunch anytime you want.
Love ya!

Masters Of Disasters said...

Good luck on budgeting, I've never been good at it!